Its kinda hard not to indulge in self-hate and depression, y'know?

More importantly, im not sure if i should include Bravely Default in the Final Fantasy catagory or not. I probably will.

Janky code ahoy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

As proud as I am of adding mobile and easy reader buttons, the code to do so is super jank lmao. I didn’t even add these updates to every page.

I’m starting to get a little bit of that imposter syndrome here. I’ve got nearly 30k hits on this blog, and the traffic has been pretty steady even during the 8 mo hiatus. All the compliments have been about the aesthetic, which I’m super grateful for. (Thank you everyone for stopping by! )

But like, I can't help but wonder; Does anyone actually read my reviews?

I cant help but compare myself to other websites and wonder if mine is really worth exploring. I mean, once you've seen the front page, you've seen the entire aesthetic. There's no variety. Which means the only thing I really have to offer are my reviews. There is no real way for anyone to respond to any one review by design. If I wanted to start discourse, I'd post on tumblr or AO3, and I do NOT want to do that. As fun as it is to write reviews, there's a mean, unsavoury part of me that tells me my work isn't all that impressive. That anyone only clicks for the space theme, and are disapponted that I don't have anything else.

Ultimately, this website is for me to learn a bit of code and write whatever the hell i want about video games. That was always the point, and it hasnt changed. Especially since my review style has always and continues to be a sort of "shoot from the hip" kind of vibe. I dont do any additional research beyond tracking down boxart. I've built this website for me and my reading pleasure. In that case, ive done an amazing job!

I know for sure that what I have here is worth my time because its still fun. If someone happens to read beyond the intro line and likes what i have to say, then thank you! Theres still more i want to explore, so lets see how it goes. <3


It's been about 8 months since I last looked at this website and it was after an assertion that I would be blogging more. lol. lmao.

Unexpected hiatus aside, I'm doing really well right now! I finally got my roommate from hell to move out. She was like 90% of my headaches these past few months. Now I have the space to myself AND im no longer in danger of being psychoanalyzed for asking for the living room to be cleaned. *rolls eyes* I really wish I was joking. To really illustrate how not great the situation was, I tried to gently explain that her methods of making and maintaining friends (which larely involve pity) dont really work now that we're in our late 20s/early 30s and she really suggested that maybe I dont know what im talking about. I have a day job and she had no irl firends except me. She doesnt have any friends anymore! I tried to warn her. ¯\_(σ ‸ σ)_/¯

Great news, I finally upgraded from my 15 yr old laptop! Thats literally half my life I've been using the same computer. Everything is so fast now. (;u;)

Lately I've been playing a lot of MapleLegends. I PROMISE that game has nothing to do with my absence. It's a private server based on MapleStory before the big bang changes. I've been pretty nostalgic for it lately and i think ive clocked over 200 hrs in it already. I've got several games completed that I can write reviews for, including ffxvi and totk. Looking forward to writing those~

Hello, it's been a while. I really meant it when I said I was writing reviews and want to keep updating this blog. Life happened, work happened, and two cats tried to ruin my life (more on that later).

Right now, I need to put the more ambitious changes for this blog on hold. I'm going to only post reviews while my mental and physical health recover. I'm pretty sure I have a few reviews in the pipeline. I suspect I will post one or two with this update.

So what do cats have to do with this? Well, I'm very allergic. Like, asthma attack allergic. A neighbour with two very dirty cats moved into my apt building. The cat dander was so bad it spread to my apt and I basically experienced one major asthma attack for two months straight. 0/10 I do not recommend.

I just moved into a new house in the last few days. Hopefully I can get back to doing the things I love. This project among them.