PlayStation 2

It took me a while to warmup to this game.
This is a highly polished game with a beautiful and vibrant art style by Akira Toriyama (best known for Dragon Ball) and a sweeping orchestral soundtrack. These bits won me over basically Immediately. The best song in the game imo is called "Rememberance" and I added it to my playlist basically immediately. It's so moving it' shard not to get all misty-eyed listening to it.
Unfourtunately, dq8 suffers from the same problem as ffx. The initial transition from 2d to 3d had turned snappy, responsive turn-based games to a series of repetative, unskippable, long attack animations. It doesn't help that this game is on the grindy side.
I was getting super frustrated at around the 36 hr mark. I guessed I was at the midpoint of the game but I wasnt entirely sure. Then i looked up the average playtime to beat the game. Its about 80 hours. Twice the length of what i would consider a standard JRPG. It was like a switch. Almost immediately after seeing that, i started enjoying the gam again. Unfourtunately, I kept hitting more gridy bits that i decided to drop the game.
(As an aside, I also looked up the average playtime for ffx and its also around 80 hrs. In hindsight, I probably shouldnt have been pushing to try and beat the game in under 50 hrs on a first playthrough. That might have been why the final bosses were nigh unbeatable. Then again, I wasnt really enjoying the gameplay much to begin with so its not like a huge loss. ¯\_(σ ‸ σ)_/¯)
There's still planty that I liked about the game. It has a very clear episodic structure to it's story telling that I really liked. It gave me nice clear places to take a break from the game. The way the game gently nudges the player in the right direction feels very natural. It helps that the game puts a lot of effort in its character interactions. There's a function that lets you talk to your party (a great "remind me what im doing" function, and character building tool). A lot of NPCs will change their dialogue as the story progresses as well. It makes the world and characters feel much more alive. I enjoyed that aspect o the game a lot.
I did not like the alchemy pot. It was useless to me without a guide. Im not sure at all how a player is meant to intuit the more vague recipes. Sometimes a hint is like "some sort of hat" when there are many hats but the game only accepts exactly one (1) specific hat.
Edit: It only occurs to me now that I'm revisiting this review that that may have been on purpose. This was the era of paying for official game guides to get otherwise locked content.
I think it might be a while before I give dragon quest another go. It doesn't help that copies of the game tend to run on the more expensive side. we'll see.
The box/cover art can or could be obtained from Level-5 and Square Enix., Fair use, Link